Welcome to Lynx Chemical

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Lynx Chemical are experts at chemical component supply because we can utilize our vast network of global contacts to bring down your costs.

We truly understand what a daunting task it can be to deal with some manufacturers and ensuring your component container parts have the correct form and fit functions that you truly must have to provide any kind of quality product to the end user. Our team is ready to take your bid request and bring you a competitive price on a container that will exceed the minimum quality standard.

Cost savings is always on your mind, and we get it. Companies have to find ways to improve their margins to stay competitive, however nobody ever wants the quality to be diminished. Our global supply chain of component manufacturers really wants your business and are ready to compete for it. We are confident that we can save you a significant sum on your component costs while never sacrificing the quality and compliance you need for your company.

Component solutions

If you need a better solution to your product containers and plastic components we can supply you with all the answers you need and for an affordable price too. Please call or email us today for any question

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Get in Touch

Our scope of service is structured around the unique needs of each client. Call or Email us today!

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(877) 405-9910

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